The Dusk Chronicles Wiki
Welcome to the Dusk Chronicles Wiki!
This is a community website dedicated to the TV Series
Dusk Chronicles, Anyone may edit articles or create
new ones, and in this way we can all work together to build this wiki into
a community site that everyone can enjoy.
We are currently editing 82 articles and 99 files,
help us add content and expand this wiki!

About Dusk Chronicles

In the town of Duskville, six strangers get wrapped up in the mysterious phenomenons that flow around them. A recent incident brings them together and they start to investigate the town's history; and indirectly unearthing some of its dark and dangerous secrets.


Ian Ladino
Bianca Moreno
Claire Sanchez
Brian Newman
Alek Santiago

Ruby Benson
Dennis Freeman
Blair Wilson
Ennis Marshall
Henry Mitchell

Contact us!

Need to get into contact with an administrator or chat moderator? Do you need them to edit pages that are only editable by Admins? Would you like to ask them questions? They'd be happy to help with whatever you need here on Dusk Chronicles! To contact them, you can go here and pick one, and then click "Message Wall" once on their user profile page to leave them a message. - The Administrators.

Featured Article

Ian Ladino is a protagonist in Dusk Chronicles.

Featured Gallery
